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"Reviving Our Interiors: Serving the Mentally Ill Living on Our Streets"

Last post 07-11-2007, 12:16 PM by tamgoddess. 22 replies.
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  •  06-14-2007, 10:24 PM 24542 in reply to 24534

    Re: Integral approach to Homelessness


    by coincidence i happen to reread 'reviving our interiors' last night. it had been months since i first read it, and i'm hoping we will get a chance to talk more about it while you're still available. no! it wasn't any psychic anticipation that you would be posting a message for me. i've realized that the two strange coincidences i remarked on before were probably just coincidences, but i had to get it out in the open to be able to see that myself. your reply helped.

    i also just read your message for elizabeth. i can honestly say that i've been 'blue about integral'. it's not that hard to do. immerse yourself in a culture that is green about integral, including a good-sized portion of blue and orange shadows, as well as boomeritis, put yourself in the shoes of someone who is opening up to 2nd tier, and attempting to put green behind, and you might get someone who feels a need to defend blue, or at least amber, and orange.

    i would say i was feeling that way for a couple of years, up until about a year ago, when i joined i-i, and my lower quadrants improved significantly.

    i've still got a ways to go. i just learned about green allergies, and yup, i've got alot of them. one thing that still bugs me about green is what appears to me not simply as sensitivity, but over-sensitivity. i'm constantly seeing individuals who say or do things clearly at odds with how others feel, and no one says anything to them about it--a contraire, they actually praise them to their face, and only express their true feelings once the culprits have left the scene. this appears to me to now be well embedded in green culture, and i would be foolish to suggest a need for more honesty. but i'm still hoping we can do better here.

    if i expect others to be honest, another word for truthful, then of course i need to be so myself, and i need to accept others' honest, well intentioned remarks about myself. i feel that's what i have been doing. for example, in my first reply to you, in an attempt to get at how i might differ from you, i likened myself to rodin's thinker (which can quickly be googled). look how scrunched up he is! none of the grace and beauty of an ancient greek sculpture. at this very moment i'm scrunched up over my ibook, working hard at a reply to your message. i find this funny, incidentally. :)

    my intention was of a similar nature in the quote directed to elliot, except that in this case i was noting a similarity rather than a difference. the context is also somewhat different: elliot and i have already exchange several messages on another thread. we've talked about altitudes, although somewhat impersonally. this can be a delicate issue, but it doesn't need to be, at least in the pins and needles sense. i-i has been wanting for some time to computerize susanne cook-greuter's SCT. hopefully they'll get it done and we will be becoming more open about this, here, if not there!

    i was recently made aware on one of these forums of some inhibition i might have. i haven't yet worked that out, not sure how they correlate with shadows or fixations, but i've tentatively added that to my ILP.

    i sense that my remark to elliot troubled you. i feel this was unnecessarily so, but i certainly don't want you to go away feeling that way. let's work this out.


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  •  06-14-2007, 11:48 PM 24543 in reply to 24534

    Re: Integral approach to Homelessness

    annie, an afterthought. true to our sexes, i have a more masculine and you a more feminine way of being, as you intimated in your paper. don't we need both?

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  •  06-16-2007, 11:17 AM 24593 in reply to 24542

    Re: Integral approach to Homelessness

    Hey Elliot,

    Good to hear from you. It actually isn't that big of a deal, I just thought it sounded kind of arrogant, which is fine. Arrogance is clearly not a war crime. Thanks for the offer to work it out, I guess I was just kind of curious.

    I am getting ready to travel on business for 8 days or so, so I won't be around much in the next few weeks. I have a fairly packed schedule and at the end of the day, I just usually pass out.


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  •  06-17-2007, 1:35 AM 24607 in reply to 24593

    Re: Integral approach to Homelessness

    hey annie,

    i was perhaps too eagar to enliven our interiors,

    ralph, alias elliot

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  •  07-09-2007, 8:18 PM 25495 in reply to 24390

    Re: Integral approach to Homelessness

    Why am I here? I don't know. I am not trying to be cute, I am serious. How did I get here? Dunno? Why have we met? Beats me.
    i'd say that's coming more from the finite than the infinite side of the street. obviously you have better things to do than being some rodinesque thinker! i just wanted to get that off my chest, and the blogopalooza was an interesting (gen x, i would say) event, which, if you're curious, you can find a link to at the beginning of tim melody's june 4th blog at joe perez's contribution is may 26, 1:54am, almost a third of the way down the zaadz thread. tim's is well worth reading as well (i've already commented on poor tim's lost last word in an i-i commons thread :))...ralph

    Arthur/adastra says:
    The relevant links are in this snippet

    The Last Word

    by Timoth J. Melody


    Dear me, dear me. Here we are at the end of the soon to be historic I-Izaadz  blogapalooza and I'm supposed to deliver the last word. (Gulp!)

    from the particular BBG Guest Blog Ralph cited.

    spiral out,

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  •  07-09-2007, 8:33 PM 25496 in reply to 20297

    Re: "Reviving Our Interiors: Serving the Mentally Ill Living on Our Streets"

    Arthur/adastra says,
    Hi Annie

    I just discovered this thread and wanted to jump in and tell you how much I loved your article, in so many ways - the raw honesty, the rich insight, the brilliant demonstration of how to use an integral map to meaningfully (and spiritually!) address a major social problem.  I found it fascinating and inspiring and it moved me to tears.  Thanks for writing it.  Big Smile [:D]

    I started a discussion thread today over on IIzaadz with an overview and some quotes from your article.

    spiral out,

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  •  07-11-2007, 7:55 AM 25570 in reply to 25496

    Re: "Reviving Our Interiors: Serving the Mentally Ill Living on Our Streets"

    Hello Arthur,

    Thank you for your kind words. I can't say how glad I am that my experience is of some service to you. As you know (cause I emailed you on Zaadz) I tried to join the discussion, but I have to be a member of the discussion group, so as soon as that happens, I will join you.

    Suffice it to say that I am honored, and then some. Really. I loved in your post how you appreciated the tension that I felt between so many different points of view. That really is what that time was all about for me (and still is) the tension between so many different reactions to the world.

    I stayed up late last night working on a proposal, then got up early to proof it, and got a skype from Nomali saying I just had to read your thread, that people were talking about me. At first I thought uh-oh, what have I done now? :) But then she said it was about the article. I am excited to see what comes of our interactions



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  •  07-11-2007, 12:16 PM 25586 in reply to 25570

    Re: "Reviving Our Interiors: Serving the Mentally Ill Living on Our Streets"


    Hello Arthur,

    Thank you for your kind words. I can't say how glad I am that my experience is of some service to you. As you know (cause I emailed you on Zaadz) I tried to join the discussion, but I have to be a member of the discussion group, so as soon as that happens, I will join you.

    Suffice it to say that I am honored, and then some. Really. I loved in your post how you appreciated the tension that I felt between so many different points of view. That really is what that time was all about for me (and still is) the tension between so many different reactions to the world.

    I stayed up late last night working on a proposal, then got up early to proof it, and got a skype from Nomali saying I just had to read your thread, that people were talking about me. At first I thought uh-oh, what have I done now? :) But then she said it was about the article. I am excited to see what comes of our interactions



    Arthur/adastra says:
    Great, Annie!  I'm looking forward to having you join the zaadz version of this discussion as soon as the "new member" glitch is fixed over there (as I communicated to you via PM). 

    The tension between different perspectives you mentioned is indeed one of the features that popped out for me (and some others, e.g. Maryw commented on that as well).  This is something I am gradually experiencing at a deeper level myself - holding contrasting or even paradoxical perspectives in the interior space. 

    I generally spend more time at IIzaadz than the Multiplex these days, so I look forward to this conversation continuing over there.  Big Smile [:D]

    spiral out,

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