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Re: “Theory and Practice of Integral Sustainable Development: Part 2”

  •  08-10-2006, 1:13 PM

    Re: “Theory and Practice of Integral Sustainable Development: Part 2”

    I'll take another stab at answering these great questions...

    1. Again in my bicycle education work, I helped create a Public Service Announcement for the Governor's Highway Safety Bureau in my state. The short ad featured a father and daughter in a car, with a cyclist in front of them on the road. The father, who's driving, slows down and waits until there is plenty of room to safely to pass the cyclist. We included some solid Blue rule discussion: "Bikes and cars - Same roads, same rules, same rights". And we gave a good Orange reason for leaving the cyclist plenty of room: just as the car approaches the cyclist she has to swerve further out into the travel lane to avoid getting hit by a car door that is suddenly opened into her path. And, of course, we appealed to Green's love of diversity by casting a cute soccer-playing African-American girl and her sensitive dad, as well as an older, non-skinny woman cyclist wearing casual clothes. So we really did our best to cover many of the common SD stages (though we were unaware that this was what we were doing) by taking the "low road". Yay for us!

    We also included a bit of a level-raising plot twist: the daughter starts out complaining about the cyclist, who she believes is "slowing them down", and ends up asking her dad, "Next time, can we ride our bikes?" So we did a good job taking the high road, too.

    Too bad this PSA only aired at 2 o'clock in the morning...

    And for question #2:

    I'm not sure. It's a great question, and I can't wait to hear other answers. My only thought here is similar to my problem in the “Theory and Practice of Integral Sustainable Development: Part 1” thread: too much emphasis on UR (and LR, too, I suppose) leads to inattention to the UL (and LL) quadrants. In other words, people get too emotionally attached to the issue, and aren't able to see the need for finding realistic solutions to the practical and social aspects of the problem. But that may not be what KW is intending to mean.

    Peace, Love, and (multi-leveled) Bicycles,
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