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Giving & Receiving

Last post 01-19-2007, 4:45 AM by jwcargile. 0 replies.
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  •  01-19-2007, 4:45 AM 18453

    Giving & Receiving

    This Week's Tip: 
    The Secret Of Getting What You Want


    The weather is often a topic of conversation,
    regardless of where people live or what time of
    year it is. Certainly some weird stuff is going on
    right now all over the country.

    Denver has had its share of bad storms so far
    this season. I have my own Denver weather story,
    and of course, it involves a sales scenario.

    A couple of years ago I flew into a springtime
    snowstorm in Denver, my connecting city. To
    compound things, the airport had electrical
    problems with the flight control navigational
    system. Total havoc reigned in the terminal.

    Since my flight to Denver was late arriving, my
    connecting flight to Los Angeles was already gone.
    Instead of waiting in the customer service line snaking
    down the corridor, I called the reservation
    number of the airline. The helpful telephone
    service agent suggested I hustle down to Gate 48
    and try to standby on the next flight to Los
    Angeles, although it was way overbooked.

    I sprinted, weaving and hurdling down the
    terminal, only to be met by the flashing message
    board at Gate 48, snickering "Wait List Full."
    That didn't deter me and the 10 business-suited
    guys in line in front of me, still thinking we
    had a shot.

    I watched with amusement as these guys
    attempted to throw their weight around:

    "My company does a lot of business with
    this airline, and I expect to get on this flight,"
    demanded one.

    "Look, I need to speak with your manager,"
    snorted another.

    One even threatened, "Give me your name.
    If you don't get me on this flight, your regional
    boss will hear about it."

    And of course, "Do you know who I am?"

    (Which brings to mind the maybe-true story
    of the had-it-up-to-here gate agent who
    responded to a similar question by getting
    on the microphone and announcing, "Does
    anyone know who this guy is, because HE
    certainly doesn't." I digress. Back to the

    Not surprisingly, all of these people
    stomped away in a huff, boarding pass-less.

    I felt sorry for the guy behind the counter.
    And I wouldn't have blamed him, if, inside he
    was secretly crowing, "Your power doesn't
    mean jack-squat right now, buddy. I am the
    King Poobah of the wait list."

    Those self-important individuals apparently
    weren't salespeople--or good ones, anyway.
    They didn't understand the magic rule of sales.
    Follow with me.

    I approached the counter, and the agent
    looked like a boxer entering the 10th
    round, slightly beaten up, but braced to
    dodge more blows. I smiled, and calmly

    "It's impressive how you personally can
    control, and are responsible for the weather,
    the electrical system in the airport, and
    how many seats were built on this plane."

    He laughed (for the first time in the 25
    minutes I was standing there) and said,

    "Yeah, I waved my magic wand and single-
    handedly screwed up everyone's life today."

    "I admire the way you handle the abuse
    you get. I'd probably snap at some point
    and tell people to kiss my ass-igned seating
    chart and go play on the runway."

    He replied, "I'm tempted, but you just need to
    understand they're frustrated, and most
    of them are used to telling people what to
    do and getting their own way."

    I continued, "Well, here's my situation. I understand
    the wait list is closed, but whatever you
    might be able to do is appreciated. I know
    some of these people are at the tail end of
    their trip and just going home. Personally,
    I'm scheduled to do a seminar tomorrow morning
    in Los Angeles, so it would be great if I could
    get there tonight."

    He took my ticket, noticed I did have one of
    the higher levels of frequent flier status
    (I let HIM discover it, instead of trying to
    bang him over the head with my "power").

    He leaned forward and whispered, "I'll see
    what I can do. Stick around."

    He got me on the flight.

    It gets better.

    While crow-barring my 6' 1" frame into a middle
    seat, jostling for the armrests with who looked 
    like ex-defensive lineman on either side of me
    in the window and aisle seats, my name was called
    on the plane's intercom to come to the front.

    The same agent greeted me:

    "Mr. Sobczak, we've upgraded you to First Class,
    since a seat opened up here and we were able to
    get another standby passenger on."

    That didn't stink.

    ++++++++++ KEY SALES POINT ++++++++++++++++++
    So what's the sales message in this long story?

    As Zig Ziglar says, "You can get whatever you want
    by helping others get what they want."

    This guy had something I wanted dearly. I put
    myself in his position. He wanted, at minimum,
    to be treated like a human. To get what I wanted,
    I needed to go beyond that.

    Here's a very simple, yet often underutilized tip
    that can make you happier, and ultimately rich:

    Before every sales call, negotiating situation,
    or any encounter where you want something--
    business, or personal--ask yourself,

    "What does this person want, and what do they
    want to avoid?"

    33° 13' N 87° 37' W
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